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613-478-1211 or "Toll Free" at 1-855-478-1211

Gateway Community Health Centre


Gateway is committed to developing client service policies that respect and promote the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.

Our Policy

It is the policy of Gateway that all employees strive to provide health care in a manner that is accessible to all clients, and respect the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We are committed to offering equal opportunity to access our programs and services and to providing the benefit of the same services, in the same place, and in a similar way to all clients.

Clients registering for primary care, dental care, and/or programs are asked to identify whether or not they have a disability. Staff will incorporate the identified disability into the client’s plan of care with appropriate resources to support the client – for example, Canadian Hearing Society for interpreter services, CNIB for rehabilitation, support, and assistive technologies.

Gateway employees will integrate within their practice and program areas the following:

Communication – Oral and Written

  • Communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability.
  • Customize a communication plan in order to facilitate communication between the Centre, service providers and the client.
  • When providing a document to a person with a disability, Gateway will work with the individual to determine best options to provide the document or the information contained in the document in a format that takes the person’s disability into account.

Telephone Services
Provide accessible telephone service by educating staff to communicate with clients over the telephone in clear and plain language and to speak clearly and slowly.

For clients who have a hearing or speech impairment, staff will be educated on communicating with clients via the TTY (telephone teletype) relay service and developing a communication strategy specific to the individual client’s needs.

Assistive Devices
We are committed to serving people with disabilities who use assistive devices to obtain, use or benefit from our programs and services. For clients who have self-identified a disability, staff will familiarize themselves with unique assistive devices utilized by the client. A staff person may also provide assistance in completing forms.

We will also ensure that staff know how to use the following assistive devices available on our premises for clients: electronic exam bed, weigh scale, OTN clinical cart devices, wheelchairs and crutches.

Staff Training
Gateway provides education to staff, students, volunteers and others who deal with the public or other third parties, on behalf of Gateway, and all those who are involved in the development and approval of client service policies, practices and procedures including Board members. Training is provided as soon as practicable after an individual assumes their responsibilities at Gateway as part of the orientation process.

Feedback Process
Our goal is to meet every client’s expectations. Comments on our services regarding how well these expectations are being met are welcomed and appreciated. All feedback will be directed to the Executive Director. Please refer to the Contact Us webpage to let us know how we’re doing.

Reporting and Documentation
Gateway is required to submit an accessibility report to the Ministry of Community and Social Services annually certifying its compliance with the customer service standard of the AODA. We are also required to document its compliance with the regulation and make that information available to the public. Compliance Report 2017